Self- care isn’t just for Women
It seems like the term “Self-Care” is too often almost exclusively associated with young women. You often see an influencer in her 20's posting about a skin routine on social media, whose audience is usually all girls. Self-Care is for everyone though (and so is skin care for that matter) and anyone and everyone can try to be better in any or all aspects of their life. Young and old, girl or boy, single, or married– self care is for anybody. Stretching, nutrition, working out, body grooming, connecting with nature, light therapies, affirmations, journaling, reading, meditation– none of these are exclusive to one type of person They are for humans. Self-Care isn’t a thing you do temporarily either, it’s a lifestyle. It's about changing your habits and making them become your nature. It’s not like you have a night/morning skin care routine to do for a month and then stop because you achieved the clear skin you wanted– it is about the consistency in the routine that will...