What do we refer to when we say "Wellness"
In the past years, we have noticed that when certain people use the term Wellness, it's to refer to only one thing; physical health from workouts and nutrition.
Wellness goes way beyond that though. It's about our entire self, about taking care of all aspects of our lives–mental, physical, spiritual, financial, and emotional.
Mental health
• Sit down and go through your thoughts to figure out whats your next move
• Try to have clarity in your head so you don't make any rush decisions
• Understand that clarity is what we need to control our minds
Remember... the only things that we can fully control are our minds, our thoughts and our will.
Physical health
• How our gut is working, how strong our muscles are, how flexible we become, how clear our skin is, and understanding how to move the right way.
• Can we do the simple physical things throughout the day with ease?
• Are we in pain? What are we doing to fix it?
• Creating connections with nature
• Finding clarity in your beliefs and in your self, being at peace within yourself.
• Are you staying true to the things you believe in?
• It's not about being rich and having the latest gadgets and fashion. Focus on taking care of the basics and understand that it's a process.
• Are you able to buy the right foods to eat? Are you able to join a gym or buy a bike to go riding? Are you able to live in a space that gives you peace? Can you buy that book that could have nuggets of wisdom just waiting for you?
• Are you able to acquire the tools you need to be your better self? That's financial wellness.
Mental health and Emotional health go hand in hand once you understand the things you can control. Find that clarity we mentioned before and it will be easier to manage your emotions. Understand where they come from. Ask yourself, is this something I will feel this angry about in a week? a day? an hour?
Last note (for now)...
We started this path a long time ago and it was hard to get all the pieces together at first. We created this blog to help gather all the information in every wellness aspect and share that with you. These are things that we have learned along the way through our experiences and things that we apply in our lives. We're by no means done and this isn't meant to be your one and only guide... just hope it can help you get where you're going.
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