What do we refer to when we say "Wellness" In the past years, we have noticed that when certain people use the term Wellness, it's to refer to only one thing; physical health from workouts and nutrition. Wellness goes way beyond that though. It's about our entire self, about taking care of all aspects of our lives–mental, physical, spiritual, financial, and emotional. Mental health • Sit down and go through your thoughts to figure out whats your next move • Try to have clarity in your head so you don't make any rush decisions • Understand that clarity is what we need to control our minds Remember... the only things that we can fully control are our minds, our thoughts and our will. Physical health • How our gut is working, how strong our muscles are, how flexible we become, how clear our skin is, and understanding how to move the right way. • Can we do the simple physical things throughout the day with ease? • Are we in pain? What are we doing to fix it? Spiritu...